Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts intended for publication in JMechE should be written in a camera-ready form with production-quality figures and submitted online through the ScholarOne platform via together with a cover letter (Cover Letter Template).

General Instructions

Manuscripts should be typed using Times New Roman font (point 10) and single-spaced in a 152 mm x 227 mm paper size, with margins: left and upper: 22 mm each; right: 20 mm, lower: 25 mm. Limit your submission to a maximum of 20 typed pages. The specified typesetter template can be downloaded here.


The manuscript should include the title of the paper; the author’s name and affiliation; and a short abstract of between 200 and 300 words that clearly summarizes the paper. The abstract serves as a general introduction to the topic and a brief, non-technical summary of the main results and their implications.


A list of keywords supplied by the author should appear on a line following the abstract. The keywords selected should be comprehensive and subject-specific. A maximum of five keywords should be sufficient to cover the major subjects of a given paper. General terms should not appear as keywords, as they have little use as information retrieval tools. Please choose keywords to be as specific as possible and list the most specific first, proceeding to the most general last.


All scientific and technical data presented should be stated in SI units.


Footnotes should be kept to an absolute minimum and used only when essential.


Formulae should be typewritten using MS Word compatible Equation Editor.

Tables and Figures

Tables should be included within the text where appropriate and must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and have titles that precede the table. They should be prepared in such a manner that no break is necessary.

The authors should appreciate the importance of good-quality illustrations. Authors need to provide proof of publication consent to use Figure(s) or Table(s) from another publisher. All figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. A detailed caption should be provided below each figure and table according to the following format:

Figure 1: (a) a simple 2-D cantilever and (b) a microcantilever with a diamond probe.

Table 1: Minimum values of spacing and edge and end distances.

Figures should be embedded within the text where appropriate. Glossy photographs when required should be scanned to a resolution suitable to the reproduction requirements (1200 dpi generally will be sufficient).

For data plots, make sure to label all axes, specify units for quantities, label all curves and data sets, and use a legible font size. For example, all graphs, diagrams, and tables should be referred to, for example, Figure 1 and Table 1 in the text.


Put applicable sponsors’ acknowledgments with specific grant numbers and titles. The acknowledgment could also go to those people who provided intellectual assistance, technical help (including with writing, data analysis, proofreading, etc.), or specific equipment or materials.

Author contributions

The contribution statement should specify the author’s individual contributions to give appropriate credit to each author. Names in this section must be given as initials.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Additional information regarding the manuscript includes a declaration of conflicting interests. The statement must be unambiguous, describing any potential competing interests (or lack thereof) for each contributing author.



Use squared brackets to indicate reference citations such as [1], [3]-[5] in the main text. Include references at the end of the paper according to the order of the citation that appears in the paper using the following format. The number of references should be more than 20, with at least 40% of the references being less than 5 years old, inclusive of at least 2 references from the current year.

[1]-S. Niranjan, O. Singh, and J. Ramkumar, “Numerical Study on Thermal Analysis of Square Micro-Pin Fins Under Forced Convection”, Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 58, pp. 263–281, 2022.

[2]-Choi and H. B. Kim, “Analysis of Solar Energy Utilization Effect of Air-Based Photovoltaic/Thermal System,” Energies, vol. 14, no. 8586, pp. 1-11, 2021.

[3]-Azargoon, M. H. Djavareshkian, and E. Esmaeilifar, “Effect of airfoil distance to the water surface on the static stall,” Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 6526–6537, 2020.

[4]-R. Leknys, M. Arjomandi, R. M. Kelso, and C. Birzer, “Dynamic-and post-stall characteristics of pitching airfoils at extreme conditions,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 232, no. 6, pp. 1171–1185, 2018.

[5]-M.White, Fluid Mechanics, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2015.

[6]-N. Rao, “Manufacturing Technology Foundry”, in Forming and Welding, 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, Singapore, 2000, pp. 53–68.

[7]-Zafar, “4 Negative Environmental Impacts of Air Conditioners,” Oct 13, 2021. [Online]. Available: (Accessed Feb 18, 2022).

[1]-Hutchinson, F. David, and M. Ahmed, S. Patent No. 6 912 127, 28 June 2005.
